American Arms LLC Fall Consignment Auction No. 1 - September 22, 2023 @ 6PM CST to October 2, 2023 6PM CST
Monday, October 2, 2023
6:00 p.m.

1st Annual American Arms

Fall Consignment Gun Auction No. 1 


STARTS: September 22, 2023 @ 6PM CST

CLOSES: October 2, 2023 @ 6PM CST


ONLINE ONLY - via Proxibid


American Arms, LLC and Midwestern Land and Auction has been granted the exclusive privilege of conducting the sale of three fine firearm collections. The auction consists of three collections of high-grade fine firearms, firearm accessories and memorabilia. Refer to or for future communication, updates and listings of firearm auctions by American Arms and Midwestern Land & Auction.


PREMIER Offering of +240 HIGH GRADE Firearms, Scopes & Accessories, Ammunition ,

Memorabilia, Curio & Relic Firearms, and an Antique Coney Island Style Shooting Gallery